
Won Mok Shim
Won Mok received her PhD at Harvard University under the guidance of Patrick Cavanagh. She then worked with Yuhong Jiang at Harvard and Nancy Kanwisher at MIT as a post-doctoral fellow. In 2010, she started as an Assistant professor in Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College. Now she is an Assistant professor in the Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research at Sungkyunkwan University.
Contact: wonmokshim (at) skku.edu
Postdoctoral Fellow

Kyeong-Jin Tark
Kyeong-Jin received B.A. and M.A. from Yonsei University (advisor: Min-Shik Kim) and Ph.D. from New York University (advisor: Clayton Curtis). Then, as a post-doctoral fellow, she worked with Do-Joon Yi and Min-Shik Kim at Yonsei University. Since she joined our lab, she has investigated the neural representation of ensemble statistics and how moment-to-moment fluctuation in attention modulates neural responses to visual stimuli using fMRI.
Contact: kj.tark (at) gmail.com
Graduate Student

Jiwoong Park
Jiwoong is a sixth-year Ph.D. student. His research primarily focuses on exploring computational and cognitive models of goal-directed behavior in naturalistic environments.
Contact : jiwoongpark (at) skku.edu

Dasom Kwon
Dasom is a third-year Ph.D student. He received a Master’s degree in Psychology at Yonsei University (advisor: Do-Joon Yi). He is primarily interested in neural representation of social knowledge in naturalistic settings.
Contact: ektha1810 (at) gmail.com

Royoung Kim
Royoung is a fifth-year Ph.D. student interested in how information, ranging from low-level features to intrinsic values, is encoded in the visual cortex. She loves dogs and cats (essentially all mammals and birds), musicals, and film photography.
Contact : roespigas (at) gmail.com

Jisu Ro
Jisu is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the PECON lab. Prior to joining the lab, she obtained a BS in psychology, neuroscience, and statistics from Ewha Woman’s University. Her research centers on the predictive process of naturalistic social cognition. Outside of the lab, she enjoys playing lacrosse and drawing her dog.
Contact : bona3476 (at) gmail.com

Jaeyoung Jeon
Jaeyoung is a second-year Ph.D student. He received a Master’s degree in SKKU. He is primarily interested in decision making and reward representation under 3D naturalistic settings.
Contact : bluejay94 (at) naver.com

Kwon Heo
Kwon is a forth-year Master-PhD combined student. He received a bachelor’s degree in Global Biomedical Engineering(GBME) at Sungkyunkwan University. He is interested in neural representations that underlie the natural flow of thoughts.
Contact: h1141h (at) gmail.com

Sanghyun Park
Sanghyun is a first-year Ph.D student. He received a Master’s degree in Global Biomedical Engineering(GBME) at PECON. He is interested in neural representation of adaptive decision-making and planning.
Contact: tkdgus1030 (at) gmail.com

Jiun Choi
Jiun is a third-year graduate student. She is interested in shared neural representation during the reinstatement of a real-world event. She loves music, movies, and art from diverse cultures.
Contact: chloejnchoi (at) gmail.com

ByeongJun Park
ByeongJun is a first-year graduate student. He received a bachelor’s degree in Global Biomedical Engineering(GBME) at Sungkyunkwan University, and is also currently in an Master-PhD combined course in GBME. He is interested in intrinsic rewards & motives that occur in situations where there is no extrinsic goal. He aims to simply express his findings in a single, ordered formula mathematically. He loves the act of creating: composing music, drawing, making games, and writing.N
Contact: sasd9750 (at) skku.edu
Research Staff

Kyubeen Ahn
Kyubeen received a Master’s degree in Brain & Cognition engineering at Korea University (advisor: Sang Hee Kim). She is interested in the cognition process especially related to implicit memory and the relationship between emotion and cognition. She loves movies and discovering new dining spots.
Contact: ahnkkyuu (at) gmail.com
Undergraduate Assistant

Yoomin Jeong
Sungkyunkwan Univ., Biological Science
frozencall (at) g.skku.edu

Euiseong Hong
Sungkyunkwan Univ., Biomedical Engineering
eddie0710 (at) g.skku.edu

Seungwoo Joo
Sungkyunkwan Univ., Biomedical Engineering
fun5307 (at) naver.com

Doyoon Lee
Duksung Women’s Univ., Psychology
doyooni.lee7 (at) gmail.com

Jeeyoon Lee
Duksung Women’s Univ., Psychology
franny0309 (at) gmail.com
Hyunjin Park (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Jack Gallant (UC Berkeley)
Kendrick Kay (Univ. of Minnesota)
Laurentius Huber (NIH)
Luke Chang (Dartmouth College)
Min Suk Kang (Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Monica Rosenberg (Univ. of Chicago)
Peter Bandettini (NIH)
Sang Chul Chong (Yonsei Univ. )
Sang Wook Hong (Florida Atlantic Univ.)
Se-Bum Paik (KAIST)
Seng Bum Michael Yoo (MIT & Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Steven Shevell (Univ. of Chicago)
Woochul Choi (KAIST)
Graduate Alumni
Dartmouth College
Qing Yu (Faculty, Institute of Neuroscience (ION), Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Stefan Uddenberg (Principal Researcher, Univ. of Chicago, Booth School of Business)
Kirsten Ziman (PhD student, Dartmouth College, Psychological and Brain Sciences)
Feilong Ma (Postdoctoral fellow, Dartmouth College, Psychological and Brain Sciences)
Ariana Familiar (PhD student, UPenn, Psychology)
Edmund Chong (Postdoctoral fellow, Univ. of College London)
Hsin-Hung Li (Postdoctoral fellow, NYU, Psychology)
SungKyunKwan University
Daehyun Kim (Faculty, Korea Millitary Academy)
Sunyoung Park (PhD student, UCSD, Psychology)
Insub Kim (PhD student, Stanford Univ., Psychology)
Hayoung Song (PhD student, Univ. of Chicago, Psychology)
Jane Han (PhD student, Dartmouth College, Psychological & Brain Sciences)
Jiyeong Ha (PhD student, New York Univ., Psychology)
Yelim Li (VAIV company)
Hun S. Choi
Eunhee Ji (Postdoctoral fellow, IBS)