
Transformation of the neural representations along the visual hierarchy

Attention & memory

Dynamics of attention and memory

Narrative comprehension

Construction of narrative structures during natural vision

Naturalistic cognition

High-level cognition in action under naturalistic settings

Ultra High-field (7T) imaging

High-resolution imaging and large-scale dataset

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and advanced computational methods, we aim to understand how neural processes in the human brain give rise to mental functions such as perceiving, understanding, and thinking. We conduct collaborative and interdisciplinary research on the diverse human cognitive processes at the interface between the mind, the brain, and computation. Specifically, we study how the brain represents and processes a range of perceptual and cognitive information – from low-level sensory features to high-level contexts and predictions to construct our internal models of the external world.

  • 2019.02.16. Korean Society for Cognitive & Biological Psychology